How Video Testimonials Impact Small Businesses | Tampa Video Production

How Video Testimonials Impact Small Businesses | Tampa Video Production

Aug 30, 2022

📖 6 min. read

Most small businesses don't have the budget to hire a marketing or advertising agency. This leaves them with few options when it comes to marketing their business. One option that is growing in popularity is using video testimonials on their website and social media pages.

​A video testimonial is a customer’s story about how they’ve used a product or service, and it can be incredibly powerful for small businesses. ​Video testimonials can help small businesses by humanizing their company, showing potential customers what they're all about, and helping to build trust.

Table of contents:

  • What are video testimonials and how do they work?
  • Why videos testimonials are a valuable marketing tool for small businesses
  • The benefits of using video testimonials for small businesses
  • How to create effective video testimonials
  • The best ways to use video testimonials
  • ​Conclusion


Video testimonials are short videos that show your current and past customers talking about their experiences with you. These videos help to convey the opinion of real people and create an emotional connection with your customers. They also give you a chance to tell other potential customers why they should buy from you, which helps build trust and credibility.

​Video testimonials also have another great benefit – they’re different from traditional marketing materials in that they’re designed to be shared on social media. You can share these videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, or wherever else your brand has a presence to bring in more viewers and create buzz around your company.

Video testimonials can be shot remotely, with the customer giving their review from their own home or office. This is a great option for businesses that want to showcase customer reviews without having to travel or set up a studio. ​


Video testimonials are more likely to convert. One of the biggest reasons why video testimonials are so popular is because they’re more effective than other types of marketing tactics in a lot of ways. In particular, video testimonials have higher conversion rates than standard written content, which can be attributed to the fact that they’re easier to digest and understand.

This means that you’ll have a higher chance of converting visitors into customers with your video testimonial marketing. This is important because it will directly impact your bottom line. If you can increase your conversion rates, then you can increase your revenue as well.

Video testimonials are a great way to build trust. When it comes to marketing your business, one of the most important aspects is building trust with potential customers before they purchase from you. At first glance, this may seem like an impossible task for many small businesses – after all, how do you get people to trust you when they know nothing about who you are?

Well, one way is through video testimonials - and this is especially true if these videos take on a personal tone and showcase the unique personality of your business in action (i.e., what makes them different from their competition). This will help establish trust between yourself and your potential customer - which leads us to our next point:

Testimonial videos provide an opportunity for humanizing your brand. Viewers will feel more connected to your company and be more likely to trust your brand if they see real people sharing their positive experiences. They can be a great way to show your audience that you're not just a faceless corporation, but that you're made up of real people who care about your customers.

​If you can create a series of testimonial videos that are high-quality and engaging, they can be a great way to boost your marketing efforts.


There are several benefits of using video testimonials for small businesses.

  • Video testimonials can be highly effective. There’s something about seeing a real-life human being relate to your brand that makes people more inclined to buy from you than they would be without it. It’s easy to forget that small businesses are made up of real people, which is why video testimonials can be so effective in boosting sales for struggling companies.​
  • They can increase brand awareness. Due to the connections with social media, video testimonials are a great way to build brand awareness among target audiences.​ Not only do they serve as an excellent tool for marketing purposes, but also as a means of staying in touch with current customers and getting them talking about your business with their friends and family members – all of whom will likely share their thoughts on your company with others through social media or word-of-mouth marketing efforts if they see you posting videos online!
  • They affect SEO. Video testimonials aren’t just good for branding your business; they affect SEO as well!

As customers become increasingly skeptical of advertising, user-generated content has become an important tool for businesses to connect with potential customers.


The first thing you need to do is create a video testimonial script. This will be your guide for what to say in the video, and it will help make sure that you’re delivering the message you want to deliver in the most effective way possible.

You might start by thinking about some of the things that have helped your business succeed (or could have) so far – this might include new products or services, customer-service improvements, increased online presence, etc. But now it’s time to turn that into a script.

When writing your script, don’t just write out what you think is relevant and important; instead, break down each sentence into smaller parts, and make sure that each part has its own purpose. For example: Imagine if all of our customers could visit their local hardware store and buy coffee from our shop while they’re there. We would love to see them doing this every day!

​Now that we know what we want our customers to know, it’s time for us to start filming! Once you’ve got your script down, it's time for two important steps – editing and shooting. Editing is one of the hardest parts of making any video marketing material; if done incorrectly, you risk creating content that doesn't quite live up to expectations.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Make sure your testimonial is genuine. Don't try to force it if you're not feeling it - people can tell when a testimonial is fake.
  • Keep it short and sweet. Most people won't watch a long video, so make sure your testimonial packs a punch in a short amount of time.
  • Be sure to capture good-quality footage. Avoid filming in a cluttered or noisy environment, and make sure the camera is stable and in focus.
  • Pay attention to your body language.


The most obvious and popular way to use video testimonials is to feature them on your company’s website or blog. You can use these videos as a marketing tool to help get your business known. You could also use them as an effective tool in your advertisements, on social media, and elsewhere online.

It’s easy to get creative with this type of content – you can even work with a video production agency (like Leet Creative) to create compelling video testimonials that make your brand instantly recognizable.


In conclusion, video testimonials are a powerful marketing tool for small businesses. They can help you build trust with your customers, increase brand awareness, and drive traffic to your website. If you're not using video testimonials yet, it's time to start!

In the Tampa Bay area and ready to get started? Contact Leet Creative for a FREE quote! Click the button below.

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