What Is Video Marketing? And Why It's Important For Businesses

What Is Video Marketing? And Why It's Important For Businesses

Aug 29, 2022

🎥 3 min. watch

In today's world, video marketing is more important than ever. Consumers are bombarded with marketing messages every day, and they're becoming less and less responsive to traditional methods like print ads and TV commercials.

"Video marketing is using videos to promote and market your product or service, increase engagement on your digital and social channels, educate your consumers and customers, and reach your audience with a new medium."

​- Hubspot

Video marketing is a strategic marketing approach that involves creating and sharing video content to attract, convert, and/or retain a defined audience of viewers.

It allows you to connect with your audience in a way that's both personal and engaging. It's an effective way to build trust and credibility with potential customers, and it can help you boost sales and grow your business.